
The Presbyterian Church baptizes both infants and adults. It is the same sacrament in either case. Each person is baptized "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," one of the most ancient and universally used formulas in the Christian church. Adults who have not been baptized present themselves and receive the Sacrament of Baptism when they make a public statement of belief and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This often occurs at the same time they become members of the church.

When we baptize children, we declare that God loves us even before we are old enough to understand. Children are presented by their parents, who profess their faith and promise to teach their children according to their Christian beliefs. Later, at an appropriate age, the children can make their own profession of faith, confirming the secret work of the Spirit and the mystery of the sacrament.

Baptism is celebrated as part of a public worship service, and the members of the congregation are more than just spectators; they play an important role. The congregation promises to nurture the new disciple or child in faith and to tell her the good news of the gospel through word and action.


Confirmation is available to youth 8th-12th grade who desire intentional time for discovering what they believe in, what the Presbyterian Church believes, what being a member is all about, and everything in between. Youth are paired up with an adult member of the congregation that serves as a mentor through this process. This is a nine-month process that is offered every other program year.


Whether considering church membership or examining Christian discipleship, one thing is true for Presbyterians - we believe that God has called you to this moment. That’s right - called. The Book of Order, part of our church's constitution, tells us:

In Jesus Christ, God calls people to faith and to membership in the church, the body of Christ. (Book of Order, G-1.0301)

God has actively led you to and is leading you beyond this point. The Book of Order delineates the dimensions of God’s call to you:

God calls a people

a. to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; follow Jesus Christ in obedient discipleship;

c. to use the gifts and abilities God has given, honoring and serving God

1) in personal life,

2) in household and families,

3) in daily occupations,

4) in community, nation and the world. (Book of Order, W-5.6001)